Losing the Baby Weight: Advice From Real Moms

Getting the Baby Weight Off

 Is your baby out of her diapers and running around while you're still holding on to that last 10 pounds that you gained while pregnant with her? The last few pounds of baby weight can be the hardest to get rid of.

Here are a few unique, tried-and-true methods of losing that baby weight brought to you by real women who have actually fought the battle of the baby bulge and won.  

Step It Up
Mom: Megan; Highland Mills,  New York
Lost: 25 pounds in 4 months

For the first few weeks after my baby was born, I kept her diaper changing station downstairs, which was easier while my body recovered from labor. But once I was all healed, I moved it to the second floor. This forces me to go up and down stairs to the nursery every time I need to change my daughter's diaper. Added calorie burn!

Cut back - Just a little
Mom: Liana; Princeton,  New Jersey
Lost: 40 pounds in 2 months

I dropped the first 30 pounds in a few months, but the last 10 were a struggle. I stopped caring after a while but decided to finally slim down for an upcoming wedding. Since I love eating, I knew I couldn't handle a restrictive diet. I kept things simple with a few rules: 
  • No more cheese on the turkey sandwich for lunch, no more potato chips on the side.   
  • Instead of snacking on M&M's and cookies, I stuck to pretzels, carrot sticks, or apples.  
  • Because I'd never survive without sweets, I also enjoyed those 100-calorie snack packs (love that chocolate pudding!)   
These subtle changes have made a huge difference. It probably took longer than a stricter diet might, but this fit my lifestyle much better!
My #1 Eat Less Trick
Mom: Ivy; Temecula,  California
Lost: 40 pounds in 5 months
Use your freezer! I started keeping yogurts there and would have those for dessert instead of ice cream. (Because they come in pre-portioned containers and take longer to eat frozen, you tend to have less.) I'd also freeze Twinkies or some other splurgy dessert for when I was craving something just plain baaaad -- you're much less likely to pound down four at once this way. 

Walk It Off
Mom: Nicole; Chicopee,  Massachusetts
Lost: 35 pounds in 19 months 

I walked with my daughter a little bit every single day, whether it was down the street, around the backyard, at the grocery store, or at the mall. We'd stroll for anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour a day, depending on how long my baby would stay into it.

Bust a Move with Baby
Mom: Elisabeth; Skokie,  Illinois
Lost: 30 pounds in 5 months

I was stuck inside all winter with my newborn, so I started a dance party tradition. I played my favorite cheesy '80s songs and bopped around the living room with my son. Or I'd put him in his bouncy seat and let him laugh at my ridiculous moves. Not only did I get some exercise, but this really boosted my mood during those long, cold (and sometimes pretty dull) days. 

Set a Major Goal
Mom: Betty; Forest Hills,  New York
Lost: 23 pounds in 9 months

I needed a target -- and a deadline -- to motivate me to lose the baby weight. So I decided to run a half-marathon (my first!) nine months after having my baby. I figured since it took me that long to put the weight on, I should have at least that long to take it off. I started exercising slowly at first -- just walks around the neighborhood, pushing the stroller. Then once I was back at work, I'd run at the gym during lunch. And slowly, I built up my speed and distance.

Fend Off Temptation 
Mom: Kerri; Queens, New York
Lost: 12 pounds in 8 months (with 18 pounds to go)

I'm a chronic snacker, so I've made a real point to keep my favorites out of the house so I'm not tempted as much. When I'm really craving something (like chips), I buy only a single portion size so I can eat the whole thing guilt-free.

Find a Baby-Friendly Gym 
Mom: Jen; Santa Barbara, California
Lost: 65 pounds in 7-8 months

I still had 45 pounds to go two weeks after my daughter arrived. Taking advantage of my gym's babysitting center helped me lose the weight -- while holding onto my sanity. Knowing I could stop my workout and check in on her at any time, I loved having a little me-time to exercise, sauna, and shower at a leisurely pace. This boosted my mood all the day and made my workouts feel like an indulgence, not a chore.

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